
Paper Pom Pom Gift Toppers DIY

You'll want to begin by downloading your PDF tag files. These are large hi-res files, so depending on your internet connection and computer they may take a little while to download (they are worth it - we promise).

Gather your supplies:
  1. Patterned Gift Tags Sets printed onto cardstock (you can use your own patterned cardstock if you'd like)
  2. Seam Binding Ribbons (in whichever colors you'd like) - We love the colors carried in the Caramelos etsy shop.
  3. Craft Paper Punches in assorted shapes/sizes. We used a 1 1/2" circle punch by EK Sucess purchased at our local craft store.
  4. Scissors
  5. Ribbon Puncher purchased from our local craft store.
  6. Double-sided tape (the permanant variety is recommended)

